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Protect your home this monsoon
By Sonal D'silva
July 04, 2006 14:00 IST

If you fear the monsoons because you anticipate your belongings will be ruined yet again, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

In this easy guide, we tell you how keep your home and your precious belongings free of moisture this monsoon. After all, your home should be a warm (and clean) shelter from the deluge outside.  

Wardrobe maintenance

If you do not take care of your cupboard, fungus settles and smells creep in. Interior designer Archana Kejriwal, who manages her own firm in Mumbai, shares some tips. 

Jewellery and cash

According to jewellery designer Ameesha Khanna, you need to take special care of silver jewellery. "Gold and diamond jewellery is not really a problem in the rain. But, with silver jewellery, the humidity in the air causes oxidisation," she says.

The best way to prevent this by storing your silver jewellery properly.

Wrap them in tissue or cotton and put them in sealed plastic bags (you can use ziploc plastic bags, available at most supermarkets). Then, store it in a safe or a cupboard where they is not exposed to air or light.

You can store other jewellery in the same way, along with emergency cash, in case you need to grab it and run in the event of a flood.


Dilip Kapur, president of top leather brand, Hidesign, says, "The problems you are going to face during the monsoon are two-fold: first, the leather might get wet in the rain; second, you might get fungus on the leather when not in use due to high humidity."

Of course, it's best to avoid getting the leather wet. But, even if it does, it is not a disaster as long as the leather you have is of decent quality. 

Carpets and rugs

"If it is possible, roll up the carpets and put them away for the duration of the monsoon," says Kejriwal.

If your durries are made of cotton, roll them up neatly and store them away. If they are made of more expensive material like silk, add some silicon bags while rolling them up. 

If putting rugs away is not an option, make sure you take extra care of them. Remember, wet feet will spoil them. So, be particular about ensuring that they don't come in contact with your carpets and rugs. On sunny days, air your rugs in the sun. This helps battle the moisture that may have accumulated despite your best efforts.

Practical tips

Kejriwal suggests some practical tips in combating the moisture and humidity.

With correct storage and timely cleaning you can forget about the dampness inside and focus on enjoying the beauty of the rains.

Do you have monsoon tips you would like to share with other readers? Write in.

Sonal D'silva
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