What: The Banaras Hindu University invites application for its PhD programmes.
The Common Research Entrance Test will be held on August 28 for admission to the following disciplines:
Are you eligible?
~ You must hold a master's degree in any of the above areas.
Selection method
~ You will have to appear for the Common Research Entrance Test.
When: August 28
Time: 9 am to 11 am
Important dates
~ Your postal request for the application form must reach the office by July 25.
~ The forms will be available at the office counter till August 8.
~ Please send in your completed application form before August 9.
How to apply
~ The information bulletin and application form can be obtained on payment of Rs 250 in cash from the office of the Controller of Examination, BHU.
~ The application form can also be obtained by post by sending a written request along with a demand draft of Rs 300 issued by a nationalised or scheduled bank in favour of the Controller of Examination, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
~ Please send your request on plain paper mentioning:
~ Please enclose a self-addressed envelope of 32cm X 26 cm in size with your request.
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi -- 221 005
Phones: (0542) 2368418, 2307255-58
Fax: (0542) 2368174
e-mail: controller@bhu.ac.in