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Kardashian wants to give Britney a makeover
March 14, 2008

Kim Kardashian desperately wants to give Britney Spears a makeover, so that the troubled singer can look as good as she used to.


The curvy beauty, who was featured in a photo layout in the December 2007 issue of Playboy magazine said in a new video blog post that she would love to bring some glamour back into Spears' life, and has offered her a style makeover.


'I would love, love, love to give Britney Spears a makeover,' People

quoted Kardashian, as saying.


'I think everyone wants to give her a makeover. But I think that she is so cute and sweet and has a great style.


'But it's all fallen apart and it's a mess now. I would love to bring her back to where she used to be,' she added.


Text: ANI | Photograph: Getty Images

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