Popular Telugu film actor and Telugu Desam Party's star campaigner in Andhra Pradesh, Junior NTR suffered multiple injuries when the vehicle he was driving turned upside down in Nalgonda district in the early hours of Friday in Nalgonda district.
The vehicle reportedly went out of control, jumped the road and turned upside down after hitting a tree. The accident occurred in Mote mandal near Suryapet on National Highway 9 when the actor was returning from Khammam district after suspending his road show.
Another actor Rajiv Kanakala, sitting besides Junior NTR on the front seat, was also injured. Another junior artist, Srinivas Reddy, suffered serious injuries.
Other people in the convoy immediately rushed the injured to Lifeline hospital in Suryapet town for first aid and then shifted them to Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad.
Doctors at KIMS said though there was no danger to the life of Junior NTR, he will have to take rest for three months. He has suffered injuries on his head, forehead, and hands. "We had to conduct minor operations," a doctor told media persons.
NTR Junior, who also suffered injuries on his chest, right eye and shoulder, has been shifted to the Intensive Care Unit.
Junior NTR's father and actor N Harikrishna, and his uncles Balakrishna, Rama Krishna, TDP president Chandrababu Naidu and several family members have rushed to the hospital.
"The prayers of his parents have saved his life from a very dangerous accident," said K Yerran Naidu, a senior TDP leader.
TDP candidate in Khammam, Thummala Nagaeshwara Rao, had advised Junior NTR against self driving because he was tired after a long campaign. But the actor told him that after some time, he will hand over the vehicle to the driver.
Meanwhile, thousands of fans of the star have gathered outside the hospital.
NTR Junior, who conducted successful road shows in five districts of coastal Andhra Pradesh, was returning to Hyderabad leaving the campaign mid way for the Telugu New Year Ugadi festival on Friday. He was also reportedly unhappy over the denial of TDP ticket to his close friend and film director Vamsi Mohan.
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