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'Shastri, Gavaskar ideal'

May 06, 2005 22:20 IST

Readers' take on the newly-formed panel to select the new coach.


MVP World

Hi !

What do u mean by the right coach? Are u saying that John Wright was not a right coach?

I don't think there is something to do with right coach. I think we have to replace players in Indian Team those are out of form.

Just because they played well/excellent in the past doesn't mean that they are all time excellent players.

Everybody is not Sachin.

Take an example Of Yuvraj Singh, I don't understand why he is in the team, I have never seen him playing an intelligent game (that's my opinion).

Give a fare chance to other players, find some good quality players. Have some kind of programme in search of best players regardless of any partiality.

Pick the best one, not because he is known to someone or ........... u know what I am saying?

Our players never had any fighting spirit, they must know till last ball, they can win the game.

Any way, Good Luck !!!
Cricket Fan!!!


Sukhen Chatterjee

Off course there are person(s) better than them to make the choice.

How about taking input from John Wright.


Joseph Lobo

I am cricket critic, particularly the indian team as they are the most hyped in the world. 

They should be made so disciplined  and hard working for that they need a strict and intelligent coach.

Its unfortuanate this commitee will select them tho political means not performance.
thanks for listening,
cricket fan


Sundararaman, Shyam

What kind of panel is this ? I have no faith that the right coach will come out of this cabal....

a) 2 cricketers who have worked in the media for ten years and have demonstrated neither neutrality nor accountability in their actions.

b) An ex-umpire who has been out of the game for a while and has never in 40 years , been in a position to scout talent.

c) 2 stooge members from the board who have lesser power , knowledge and say than the common fan and

d) An ex-president of the board whose words and actions will tower over the rest anyways .

The team selected to pull off the heist in the movie 'Kaante' seemed more promising.



Karthik Iyer

I feel Ravi Shastri and Sunil Gavaskar are the ideal people to select the coach, but they should not show any personal bias to co-comentators like Dean Jones.

They should only do so on the basis of the capability of the individual.

I think they should also recommend the selection of a specialist bowling coach for the team.
- Karthik


Anand Kumar

I don't think so, it looks to me most of them are looking same political type of people except venkataraghavan.

Still I am not getting why Jagmohan in selection panel. Mr. Gavaskar did as a batting coach to Indian team between India and pak series, everybody know the result.

If I am in the board member or whatever I would bring ex-players like one all-rounder, Wicket keeper, Batsmen and blower.

So each person can share there experiences to select good coach.

Anyway we decided not to watch Indian cricket. Watching cricket between Aus and England is good for health.



Ranganadane Anand

Hello Rediff,

Atlast they (BCCI) have finalised six-man commitee and that is quite interesting to have Sunil, Ravi and S.Vekataragavan.

but there will be some obstacle because of the presence of Dalmiya and his devotee Ranbir Sigh because they could already have decided a coach in their minds, these peoples are politically motivated and they do not know nothing about the technics of the game.

I think BCCI mens are wealthy as ever in past because of the presence of these peoples.

one can notice in the past (in the captaincy of Azar) players alone went as victimes for their match fixing and now seeing lot of money circulating i wonder, now the BCCI members (all the politicians in BCCI club) must be doing the same thing like Azar and these things may not be questionned by anybody, the proof is the dernier series against Pakis.

Their should have been something behind the screen and it will not be exposed because i think the whole board is concerned.

After every defeat they are telling the same history of "We did'nt played to our potentiel".

My question is what made you not playing your potentiel?

Are your concerntrating for something else rather then Cricket, When we won the series in pakistan last they told that some matches have been decided already and now i think it is the reward for that series to make it or for consolation 1:1.

Anyway the new coach will not have the selection power of his team where he coach. once again there will be Ganguly,Arul Lal, Dalmiya, and once again they will not play for their potential. Hope Bonne chance for the Indian team and our spectators to have a nice coach.



Karthik Ravi

I don't understand why we are so hell bent on finding a right coach for India. and the rest of the media is potraying cricket as a national problem which if not solved will result in thousands of being homeless.

I am a cricket fan as well and would love to hear new about it but doesn't the editor think there are much more important issues that need to be addressed other than cricket?
Let me put forth a simple question. What is the upshot of this discussion? What does the common man derive out of this? Nothing!

The players are making money irrespective of whether they win or lose and everyone is on a vacation right now enjoying their break from the cricket.
I believe that the media should stop displaying cricket as a national  issue and start concentrating on other important issues that are so important for the common man.

Instead of having a separate link for Cricket, Rediff can well afford to have links for personal development, career development, improving the standard of living of people in India to name a few.
Karthik Ravi




India will find the coach ultimately. No matter how late it will be. We all know how does BCCI function and nothing has changed with a new president.

But if you want to look on the +ives then you will find the followings:

1. BCCI is not giving in to the demands of some former players about having an Indian coach instead of a foreign coach.

2. The committee comprises of three most articulate and rationale cricketers.

These three gentleman, I hope, will find their way in and help select a man of similar capabilities as that of Wright's or better.

Holmdel, NJ


Harish  SV

Hi & Hello,

John Wright's name should be included in the selection panel.

Infact he should head the panel, for he has caressed  and shaped indian cricket better than any individual in that panel.

Why is Dalamiya in the panel ? They are many better capable people other than him in the country who can solve the whole stuff in a proper way......!

BCCI is run by the Indian public, its should be for the people...!

- Harish


Indranil & Memory Dandaroy

With Gavaksar and Shastri at the helm of affairs I am sure they will come up with a good choice.

Both are highly experienced and thoroughly professional.

Indranil Dandaroy
Wichita, Kansas, USA



With Former Captains, especially Sunil,  we are truly heading towards right norm.

It would have been much better to include few former coaches, But what is Dalmiya is doing in this process ( and most of the board's decision) and especially even after stepping out of BCCI.

What about the suggestions from our seniors who's on honey moon. When our brother Sri Lankan's flew out to meet Tom Moody what our seniors are contributing in this prospect.

Not here to advocate that they should not be on honey moon but this is very crucial decision and very important process since Coach is the one who will be in touch with the players after this process.

What's the mood of our players about the new coach? Where they happy/unhappy?

Do they believe in him that he'll motivate the team and individual?......I truly don't understand this process.

Trust me,  our team will never,  ever going to reach the helm with our selection process and senior players disoriented.

John Wright contribution was fruitful because our seniors accepted him.



I think dean jones is the right person to coach the team india


Piyush  Tilloo
Well i feel they can find the right coach , after all its not a question of can they in infact they have to find the right guy.

I feel Greg Chappel is the best candidate,i feel he is just the right kick the team needs before the next world cup.


Banerjee, Samir

There are few cricketing brains in India who can stand on any international platform and discuss cricket at any length backet by their  playing/analytic or adminstrative expertise.

In the first two category Mr Sunil Gavaskar,Mr Tiger Pataudi,Mr Kapil Dev,Mr Ravi Shastri remain undisputed.

Inclusion of Mr Gavaskar and Mr Shastri is above any dispute.They not only played at the highest level but also contributed through their analytic discussion in marrying past and present form of the game.

One may like or dislike Mr  Dalmia but his dedication in uplifting Indian cricket is un matched till date.

Personalities like Mr Raj Singh Dungarpur who occupied  many chair of BCCI including President is good in critisism but practically contributed nothing to raise the standard of Indian cricket.

It is a must to include the President and Secretary of BCCI in any decission making  platform.Although it is late but still the committee has the potential to select a coach who should be better if not as good as Mr Wright.

We do not want self  dicteted master brain as Mr Bedi. Whatever may be their value we hear few names in the media.

Indian cricket need expertise personalities like Mr Graig Chappel if Mr Gavaskar declines the offer.

To motivate this or future Indian cricket team to reach the top we require personalities who reached the top with class and cpability in their own carrier and command respect all round.BCCI althoug a bit late made a correct begining.

We are waiting to see the outcome least they fail us.



Subrahmanyam Kappagantula

I don't think Gavaskar & Ravi Shastri should be in this committee at all. I would recommend John Wright, Ajit Wadekar instead.
Since Gavaskar is not interested in coaching, why should he be there in the Panel.

Nayyar, Deepak

Cmon u cannot believe in Sunil Gavaksar and Ravi shastri these are not good choices u can go in with kapil dev, maninder singh,Dilip people with good intigrity please not just the yes men of dalmiya


Dear gentlemen,

Yes.This comittee is gud enough!!

Lets take all the Ex captains.  Sunny Gavaskar& Ravi shastri hv travelled extensively and co - ordinated with each of the "four contenders" from Australia. Greg,Moody,Dean and whatmore, as a Ex - cricketer and commentrators..

They ve been in cricket for the last 3 decades atleast.

Venkat although in a different role as an Umpire has a different dimension of thinking of what should be the Idle coach perception and approach!

These three guys hv played enough in Indian Soil and can convincingly choosea coach who would fix himself flexible and adopt to the situation.

They have their Understanding on the foreighn soil and can choose a Coach who shall adopt to the venue.

These guys specially Venkat and Sunny have led the Indian teams and zonal team extensively, they know what a captain need from the coach and how to get the best. In this angle, these two will have a dominant thinking in evaluation of the Correct coach.

Sunny and Venkat are dominant in their role as captains and they had no absolute professionalism during their time, No significant role of Coach etc. so they know what is Motivation of the team members. They know the "techniques of Cricket and familiar with Time Management. So they really choose the best according to the Current scenario.

It is beyond doubt that Indian Cricket is hitting an Unusual Low swing in terms of International stnading. The team needs a sound and Prosperous Coach who is a Blend and Mix of Professionalism and aggression. These guys who are contending already hv this flavour. To choose the best can be possible only with  a Committee like this.

Besides you have The Presence of the President and Mr Dalmiya who will certianly provide vital inputs, ideas, thoughtprocesss and guidance in finetuning the decisions of the Three former captains.

They have been in administration and control of Indian cricket for decades. They now know the "Down swing of Indian cricket " better than anyone.  They will be the Better Judge to finalise the issue in the most appropriate way.

In short, the Modern and Professional approach of choosing the Most sensitive slot of Indian cricket thro such a Body is the "Most Understanding and Inevitable Approach'. If this committe does not choose the Best coach and Revive Indian captain and thus Indian cricket,  Who else Can?????!!!!

Balachandran Natarajan
Atlanta Georgia 30339


Rajeev Venkat

Dear Sir,

I think the panel is fine given the fact that it has the likes of Ravi Shastri, Sunil Gavaskar & Venkatraghavan. I can even understand S.K.Nair being in the committee for administrative reasons & coordination. But what I dont understand is what Mr.Mahendra & mr.Dalmiya would contribute to the Selection Process.

The are power brokers & should be happy with their positions whatever they enjoy without trying to throw their weight around on a selections which is likely to be on merits.

But with the likes of Gavaskar & Shastri lets hope they can withstand the pressures of the powers-to-be to help & expeditiously decide in the best interest of Indian Cricket.


Tushar Lad
There are lot more good coaches than him, but our team need some one to motivate, increase moral, as well as confidence with consistancy record which will prove in continous performance as well in good fighting sprit and startegic planing. like K shrikant who can be good motivator.

Sundar Ganapathy


Ranbir Singh Mahendra and Jagmohan Dalmiya - Why do we need puppet AND puppeteer in the committee? One would suffice as BCCI representative...........necessary (D)evil

Gavaskar and Shastri - One is the head and other the tail of OPPORTUNISM (read, commercial interests) plus the fact that Shastri is a known wheeler dealer!

Venkataraghavan - Most Valuable Selector, right choice!

Nair - Not another Dalmiya crony on the committee please.

* Either Dravid or Kumble (Sachin is not literate enough to make balanced decisions) members should have a say

* A reputed cricket writer/historian like Ramachandra Guha................someone who is passionate about Indian cricket and the team's performance

* Ratan Tata or Narayanamurthy.........they have managed to identify the right talent to head their companies and achieve impressive results

Cheers - Sundar


Ketan Vora

Why India has to search for their coach when they are lying right under their nose.
why not give a chance to Krishnamachari Srikanth, Mohinder Amarnath, Kapil Dev......


Sunando Chaudhary

I believe this is the best possible team to decide on the coach for the next few years.

It is a great responsibility and a privilege to all these people and hope they can get a good person on board who would help the country get better.

Drupad Patel

I hope board does not go by big names like Sir Viv Richards. It does not help team. We have big names like Kapil Dev/ Bedi and they failed.

Board should select someone like Tom Moody who really have good cricket experience and proved his worth as coach too. He can really help to train players to play in foreign conditions like Aus. and England.


Vinod Kumar Balasubramanian


the panel what BCCI has set - comprised of  only two best selectors - one is Venkatragavan and another is Ravi shastri, i wouldnt call gavaskar as a good selector because he has been often critised for his politics in indian cricket.

the strange thing is inclusion of the BCCI president in the selection committee, to me he seems to be the most worthless guy for this process. he is neither a qualified buisness man,nor a good sportsman.

why india have such people at key posts and then blame the team india for defeats ?

change the leaders to change the world.

with wishes for indian team


Sanjay Ashtaputre

As long as Jaggu Dalmiya rules BCCI things won't change.



dear sir it may be right but,kapil dev  &  krishnamachari srikanth should be there.


K. Murali Krishnan

I think a good player can become a good coach Then why dont we go for a coach from india..

Do u think out Retired players are not capable of it are the players from other countries much capable then our players If the the people in the panel are right to select for a coach..

I mean if they know what should be have the capabilitis to search in for a good coach..

dont they have it in them I think if the people in the panel have that capabilities to select a right person then the one who has can even become a coach


Joe Chemmanam

Though BCCI took a long time to select this panel they have done a reasonable job at that.

Though the presence of SK Nair,Ranbir Singh could have been avoided :-) because they got into this panel not because of their cricketing knowledge.


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