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Autobiography row: Warne reckons Ponting jealous of Clarke
November 04, 2013 19:00 IST

Former Australia leg-spinner Shane Warne weighed into the controversy generated by Ricky Ponting's autobiography, in which the former Australia skipper admitted concerns about Michael Clarke's leadership qualities earlier in his career.

Ponting's violation of cricket's traditional "keep it in the dressing room" rule has irked past players including former captain Mark Taylor, and Warne went into bat for his close friend Clarke.

"Maybe there was a bit of jealousy, because 'Pup' (Clarke) was batting so well and Ricky was not making any runs," Warne said.

"To me, Michael's very well-respected. The best captains keep stuff in the dressing room. No one ever finds out about it. That's what good leaders are about. So to hear all this in a book is pretty ordinary.

Despite describing Ponting as a "good guy", Warne also slipped in a reminder of the Tasmanian's Ashes record.

"I know he beats himself up mercilessly about being the only Australian captain ever to lose three Ashes," he said. 

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