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World chess final goes to tie-break
Source: PTI
July 13, 2004 17:26 IST

Grandmaster Michael Adams of England survived some anxious moments in a game of fluctuating fortunes before finally settling for draw with GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan in the sixth game of the World chess championship final, now in progress in Tripoli, Libya, on Tuesday.

The draw ensured that the highly entertaining contest between the two Grandmasters stayed level at 3-3 after the completion of the scheduled six games and will be stretched to the tiebreak stage, wherein games of shorter duration will be played to determine the winner.

Even as many expected a draw to be a just result in the last game under normal time control, Adams knew he had survived by the skin of his teeth as the drama ended with the Englishman threatening to give perpetual checks to keep himself alive and kicking in the match.

Adams himself missed a winning opportunity in the closing stages of the game before signing the truce after 44 moves.

It may be recalled that between the sandwich of two draws in the first and sixth game, there were four decisive games in which the white player won. And the level scores are a perfect indication of the close contest in the final that many believed would be a cakewalk for second seed Adams, ranked sixth in the world.

Determined to score a decisive victory with white pieces, Kasimdzhanov went for a dangerous variation in the Ruy Lopez and was looking in command when the middle game surfaced.

However, Adams neutralised white's advantage with a timely pawn sacrifice that forced white's king in the open. After a temporary piece sacrifice in the queen and minor piece ending, Adams secured the draw with correct play clearly overlooking a promising continuation on the 42nd move that would have yielded him the champion's crown.

Now that the match is dragged to its final leg, Kasimdzhanov is certainly the favourite with his excellent track record in the rapid version of the game.

The Uzbek has already beaten top seed Veselin Topalov of Bulgaria, third seed Alexander Grishchuk of Russia and fourth seed Vassily Ivanchuk of Ukraine in the first set of tiebreak games earlier in the championship.

On the other hand, Adams comes to the tiebreaker with virtually no practice at all as none of his opponents could force him to a deadlock under normal time control.

The winner of the match gets a purse of US $1,00,000 while the loser has to be satisfied with US $70,000.

The moves game 6:

Rustam Kasimdzhanov v/s Michael Adams

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 O-O 8. d4 d6 9. c3 Bg4 10. Be3 exd4 11. cxd4 Na5 12. Bc2 c5 13. h3 cxd4 14. Bxd4 Bh5 15. g4 Bg6 16. Nc3 Rc8 17. Rc1 Nc6 18. Be3 Nb4 19. Bb1 d5 20. e5 Ne4 21. Ne2 Nc5 22. Bxc5 Rxc5 23. Rxc5 Bxc5 24. Nf4 Qb6 25. Rf1 Be4 26. a3 Nc6 27. Nxd5 Bxd5 28. Qxd5 Nd4 29. Kg2 Nxf3 30. Qxf3 g6 31. b4 Bd4 32. Qe4 Bb2 33. Rd1 Rd8 34. Rxd8+ Qxd8 35. Ba2 Qe7 36. e6 fxe6 37. Qa8+ Kf7 38. Qxa6 Qd7 39. g5 Ke7 40. Qa8 Bd4 41. Qg8 Qc6+ 42. Kg3 Bxf2+ 43. Kxf2 Qc2+ 44. Ke3 draw agreed.

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