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Google bans adult content on Glassware following first porn app release

Source: ANI
June 04, 2013 12:36 IST

Google Glass will not contain any applications with sexually explicit material as Google has added a section to its developer policies banning all forms of nudity and graphic sex images on the futuristic eyewear, following the release of a pornographic app for Glass by an adult app store.

The pornographic app would have enabled Google Glass wearers to watch pictures and videos filmed using the Glass, helpful for one-on-one interactions between adults possessing Glass, the CNN reports.

However, after Google's official ban on porn content on Glass, the adult app store MiKandi will need to alter its business plan although over 10,000 people have visited the the app page and a dozen Glass owners have signed up with the app according

to MiKandi's CEO Jesse Adams.

Adams said that MiKandi had ensured following the Google Glass developer terms when it started creating the app two weeks ago, but since the rules were quickly changed by Google, the app store will now have to comply with the new rules.

The section in Google's developing policies said that Google does not allow any Glassware content to contain nudity, graphic sex acts or sexually explicit material and warns of harsh penalties for any app featuring child pornography.

Google has also banned gratuitous violence, hate speech and gambling on Glass.

Adams confirmed that the company now plans on rolling out a new app that will somehow not include any of the forbidden content.

Google is working hard to avoid a sullied reputation for the wearable computer before it is officially released, the report added.

Source: ANI
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