"The investment will be around Rs 3 crore (Rs 30 million) per outlet including back head costs," managing director, Vikram Bakshi (north and east India), told PTI in Mumbai on Wednesday.
The McDonald's official said that consumption was growing in India and McDonald's saw a huge growth potential in the country.
On the chain's India turnover this calender year, he said there would be a 30 per cent increase and the company intended to double its turnover every three years. Bakshi, however, did not divulge any figures.
With 170 outlets presently and with 40 more planned to be added, McDonald's India plans to hire around 1,200 personnel this year, he said.
The company would be launching several health food products as the demand for them was increasing, he said.
A white paper will be released in Delhi on September 29 by the company that would give an insight into the current market-size of the retail food industry and the revenue it generates.