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Govt to create higher education financing agency
March 02, 2016 20:21 IST

The budget stresses on the importance of teaching, besides seeking to recognize the role of private players in most sectors including education and moving towards private-public partnership.

Budget Provisions

Sharp increase in its budgetary allocation for education

Entrepreneurship, education and training will be provided in 2,200 colleges, 300 schools, 500 government ITIs and 50 vocational training centres through massive open online courses.

Focus on skill development

The emphasis on the national skills mission, and easier loans for higher education are all steps in the right direction and hold promise for the immediate and long term. A national skill mission to consolidate skill initiatives spread across several ministries to be launched will help various companies in education sector who have launch skill development institutes. Thrust on education by increasing allocation goes well for education sector and Education companies like Educomp, Everonn, NIIT.

Stocks to watch

Aptech, Everonn Education, NIIT and Educomp Solution


Education remains one of the key focus of the new government. India is faced with a unique opportunity – highest increase in working age (15-64) population over the next 20-30 years which can propel economic growth. India will account for 25% of the global increase in workforce over the next 4 decades. The government is focused on improving the literacy rate and the quality of education in the country along with focus on skill development. Budget was positive for the sector.

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