The all-business class carrier has recently received government permission to import 22 aircraft and the acquisition plan was made to beef up its expansion service, which include flights to metros, the official told PTI.
"The government has granted us permission to import 22 aircraft. Consequently, we are buying 10 aircraft in this calendar year and the remaining will be acquired next year," he said.
Of the 22 planes, 12 are Airbus A-320s, six Bombardier Q-400s and four Embraer-175 aircraft, the official said.
"By December this year, we will induct 10 new aircraft in our fleet. These include two Airbus 320 and 4 Embrarer-175. Besides and 2 two Bombardier 400," he said, adding the delivery of these planes would start as early as August.
Maintaining that these aircraft would be used to expand operations across country, the official said "we plan to add six new destinations and launch around 100 flights with these aircraft".
While the larger Airbus planes would be deployed on metro routes, the Embraers and Bombardiers aircraft would be used to "strengthen our southern region operations," the official said.
To questions, he said the all-business class model of the airline would continue to exist and the Airbus aircraft could have a First Class as well.