Privately, many bankers admit their immediate goal is not growth but slowing the...
India should convert the Trump threat to an India opportunity, re-embracing a more...
Net NPAs increased to Rs 36,260 crore in the December quarter from Rs 34,843 crore in...
The Budget has given signals that India is sensitive to the US needs and willing to...
While advancements in biotechnology hold immense promise for health and innovation,...
While the capital spending is being maintained at 3.1 per cent of the GDP, a little...
'If tax-and-spend was expected to trickle down, it has failed; India's rural wages are...
Anticipating US action on tariffs, India seems to have made the first move by revamping...
Simplifying investment policies at the micro level and introducing a time-bound...
The most striking features of this Budget was its focus on simplification and improving...
'The finance minister missed yet another opportunity to simplify the income tax...
'If it doesn't, it will continue with measures to infuse liquidity, signalling a new...
'... that it once again shies away from renewing its commitment to strategic...
While this will incur a revenue loss amounting to 0.2 per cent of GDP, it will provide...
The finance minister, in her Budget speech, should focus more on what she is directly...
The number of cyberfraud cases has skyrocketed from 2,677 in 1999-2000 to 29,082 in...
The time is ideal for a 'Dream Budget' akin to the 1991 reforms that sparked high...
The Budget should undertake further reductions in import tariffs and seriously consider...
The finance minister could improve the quality of public spending, which could mean...
Credit-focused SIFs with lower minimum investment thresholds can provide a more...
If the fiscal deficit target of 4.9% of GDP has to be met for 2024-2025, which the...
India has its share of both large tech companies and large national laboratories, but...
Headline growth was quite weak heading into the Covid period but averaged 6.4 per cent...
From CEOs to RBI governors, cricket's rich imagery and strategy resonate deeply with...
'If weak indicators persist, there is a risk that India could slip into a prolonged...
The RBI has changed the way it approached supervision in the past. Having seen a couple...
Shaktikanta Das is a master of the finest balancing act who listens to all but takes...
Average wages paid by listed companies is more than twice the salaries paid by other...
Damage from new shenanigans can be contained if regulators move quickly when something...
Instead of conceding the demand for a cut in personal income-tax rates, Finance...
Collectively, the pack of 12 has posted a 50 per cent rise in profits -- Rs 25,685...
The most important positive of India's stealth bull market is earnings growth across...
The RBI refuses to classify a cryptocurrency as an asset since it doesn't have future...
Perhaps the finance ministry or NITI Aayog could take a detailed look at what...
The need of the hour for the government would be to tighten its fiscal belt, recommends...
That's the only way to convince those who have money to return to the bank fold,...
Employees across segments, including those involved in specialised jobs such as...
The likelihood is that India will maintain a moderately upbeat economic tempo -- well...
Mutual funds, as experts and custodians of another set of retail investors' savings,...
Don't be surprised if growth in the second half of the financial year drops below 4%,...
It is now becoming increasingly clear that rising imports have played a significant...
The most important step is delivering what is needed -- a fairer IPO pricing, notes...
Seven years after Modi took office, merchandise exports were lower in 2020-2021 than...
Ajit Balakrishnan on keeping an eye on democratising finance in India.
Old ideas contained in the heads of old economists still dominate.That's not good,...
Just because India has outperformed the US markets in a short recent period, it does...
Probably 35 bps.There could be even an encore in February 2023 to take the policy rate...
Of the 2,562 customer complaints received between January 2020 and March 2021, a...
Every patriot should learn from our history and recognise that celebrating size will...
Since the bankcuptcy law came into effect from December 2016, with every quarter, the...
Because they have become too big and pervasive and the time to regulate is long gone,...
His advice was to always start with small positions because we are bound to make...
If the banks throw caution to the winds for building loan books, the hydra-headed bad...
Is self-reliance the right approach in a mega-buck game, or better to be part of a...
The branch managers have come out of their glass cabins and the sellers' market has...
A family man, a confident investor, someone who was sure two decades ago that India and...
Social media allowed them to connect even more directly with potential clients, and...
This is why it can fight out inflation, chin up, observes Tamal Bandyopadhyay.
The 6.7% growth in Index of Consumer Sentiments in July 2022 is the highest since...
India's growth in the last three financial years has averaged just 1.9%.It is natural...
The currency market won't care for our moans, groans, cries and sighs.The rupee will...
Merely bringing down the government stake below 51% may not find any taker for the...
Many banks' profits will take a hit and a few of them could even end up being in the...
Start-ups don't care that mad-money funding comes to a hard stop after an IPO, observes...
India's politicians need to do a better job of managing the economy: Inflation control,...
One thing is for sure: It smacks of the regulator's lack of confidence in the bank's...
Shifting to floating rate deposits can work as an anaesthetic gel for some customers,...
The dividends for the economy from such a rapid rise in capital expenditure would be...
If the central banks act harshly now, the markets will crash and then rally.If they are...
The most immediate challenge for growth is the disruption of the global economy brought...
The growth is particularly remarkable because it comes at levels higher than during the...
With the rise in interest rates, bond yields have been on the rise; this will dent...
The RBI's mistake may have been in interpreting its mandate to maintain retail...
Since 2016, Sebi has made many rules to prevent unauthorised trading by...
But there are challenges, observes Tamal Bandyopadhyay.
This is one of the largest monthly increases in the labour force, observes Mahesh Vyas.
Indeed, there were frauds, and the politician-banker-industrialist nexus played a role...
Following the money and freezing anything unaccounted is the only way to set an example...
Ajit Balakrishnan on the evolution of a cultural symbol.
We'll need to wait a couple of years to see how many restructured loans turn bad and...
It would be larger than even in the pandemic year of 2020-2021, notes Mahesh Vyas.
It is the biggest issue we have ever faced in the securities market, where a sensitive...
'When resources are few; when frugality demands repairing a broken thing rather than...
In its scheme of things, tackling inflation now comes ahead of ensuring growth in the...
So, while it is great that India's numbers look relatively good, don't raise a cheer...
The employment situation remains dire.Whatever can be done to promote greater low-skill...
What the labour market statistics of March 2022 show is India's biggest sign of...
Why hasn't India produced a single earth-shaking idea like Python or the World Wide...
Flush with liquidity, banks are eager to lend. And, therein lies the problem, warns...
When we look at the pension expenditure of the states, so far, there has been no gain...
'Rahul inspired Indian industry with an ethos, an ethos of being more confident, more...
This is reflected in an improvement in their sentiments as well, explains Mahesh Vyas.
'Did the Moneyball philosophy get redefined in the domain of the cash-rich IPL, which...
Since jobs will remain scarce for the foreseeable future, an unemployment allowance...
We have not suffered such huge price shocks across so many basic commodities, at the...
Since October, FPIs have sold over $26 billion worth of stocks, which is the largest...
Budget has already bombed at the box office and passing it without a revisit will be a...
Distribution yields could rise, but risk of Covid, higher interest rates remain.
'Valuations are very attractive, and most companies are cash-rich with strong dividend...
A change in the desire to buy consumer durables is perhaps the most important indicator...
An overwhelming proportion of the unemployed declare their nature of occupation as...
'All regulatory agencies must be made Constitutional bodies like the Election...
India added three unicorns per month in 2021 to nearly double the overall number to...
The rot is is not limited to Chitra Ramkrishna and the yogi, observed Debashis Basu.
The RBI has shelved its plan for polymer notes more than a decade after it invited...
If there were an Olympics for bank frauds in India, Rishi Agarwal, founder and former...
'If the almost literally heart-stopping Suez block has any positive outcome, it is to...
Ajit Balakrishnan on learning from past technology revolutions.
While most brokers have upgraded their backend systems to trade, their front-end...
Indian women have education, inspiration and perspiration -- but not enough employment,...
'The finance ministry's decision to accept the deficit target of 4.5 per cent in...
'The question often being asked is whether the demand for petrol and diesel is price...
Every political party loves to use the bait of loan waiver to woo the electorate. If...
The return of the unemployment rate to pre-lockdown times is not worth celebrating...
After years of disappointing growth, the economy and the markets are poised for a...
What is killing the risk appetite of the bond buyers is the inconsistency in the...
It is mystifying how the NSE, a near-monopoly, gets protection, as the February 24...
But it is disappointing to note that Sitharaman's third Union Budget continues to...
Mired in corruption, politics and with a history of suicides by its hapless depositors,...
Do the actual numbers bear out the claims made by the government or do they suggest...
We will find it difficult to exceed an average of 5 per cent growth in the medium term,...
Zohnerism drives our daily consumption of news and shaping our understanding of most...
The sad truth is that the debt-to-GDP ratio will shoot up close to 90 per cent in the...
Why do we need a bad bank, owned by the banks themselves when there are at least 28...
January 2021 more than recovered the loss of employment of the past three months, notes...
The promise of a less suspicious government is surprising.What about the disconnect...
Human memory about policy issues is short.That alone can explain why many are...
A faltering economy may have led to a re-think on economic strategy. And Mr Modi might...
Monetising online readership, a deeper focus on content and getting revenue from the...
The logic of deregulation was that the consumer was protected no matter what the price...
The finance minister did very well for equity market investors but not so with...
Whether one likes it or not, services constitute the value-addition sector that the...
The Modi government is notoriously honest about one fact: It does not listen to...
It is time he stood up and assured the middle class that they can count on him as one...
'Let us hope that this Budget delivers.''It needs 10 per cent plus real GDP growth in...
Of the three major Budget announcements related to the banking sector, privatisation of...
Bankers need to take a call on whether they will allow technology firms to run banks or...
There are several welcome standalone reforms, but these do not add up to a coherent...
It is important to increase employment in general.It is even better to increase good...
Given the dimensions, it is bound to have at least ripple effects across markets. Could...
Banks and friendly neighbourhood jewellers can serve as good channels to provide...
While a DFI will help banks derisk their loan portfolios, creation of a bad bank will...
That's because India does not have a serious venture capital industry with an appetite...
The Economic Survey will remain a documentation of the government's resolve to not...
You can make all the speeches you want, you cannot argue against 39 straight months of...
The Budget would have been the perfect vehicle to introduce some bold initiatives. That...
That is what you will hear again after Nirmala Sitharaman presents a speech that will...
Those who lost jobs in December were women, graduates, post graduates, salaried...
Markets are assuming that by the second half of 2021, the world will be approaching...
If Nirmala Sitharaman does indeed present a 'never-before' like Budget on February 1,...
If we work together with dedication, concentration and effort, we should be able to...
The only feasible way to have a healthy banking sector could be making it mostly...
'In India's case, using wrong information, and recourse to off-budget borrowing, masked...
The count of the unemployed mounted to 38.7 million in December 2020 compared to 27.4...
Alibaba's pervasive economic and social influence in China is seen as a threat to the...
The economy has shown sharp resilience in the past and has also bounced back in good...
The government should set up agricultural co-operatives in every cluster of villages...
'But can it afford to present a scenario within the existing legal framework of fiscal...
In the new decade, the scene will change because the banks till recently had been...
It is impossible for anyone to explain how markets are hitting record highs during an...
'In the real economy, the scars of the pandemic will continue to define 2021.''It is...
Even as both India and the world struggle to re-build after COVID-19, they face...
'The book captures Rana Kapoor's hunger for real estate leading to bungalows in Delhi,...
So far, there seems to be limited debate about their activities in India, where...
The cut in wages by companies whose operations were not shut by the lockdown was more...
'To keep the next catastrophe at bay, a carbon free economy will be an imperative.'Our...
'By November 2020, men recovered most of their lost jobs, but women were less...
We have a government with an extremely weak economic team advising a PM who hardly pays...
'Infusion of fresh capital, handsome growth in deposits and focus on recovery should...
The broadening of the market rally sends the signal that growth will be broad-based,...
The government kept its nerve in the face of a massive shock. It chose not to resort to...
The budget-making exercise offers golden opportunities despite challenges, observes...
India has too many small companies and this is inefficient.It should instead have only...
'The workers's dance of wilful destruction has the potential to kill all investments...
What can malls do to entice customers? Brand coach Ambi Parameswaran has a few...
Bad loans of PSBs are at Rs 20 trillion.Most of it is, I sense, due to corruption and...
Can the finance minister manage our expectations, asks A K Bhattacharya.
Even a rump Air India could not hope to get away with the shoddy service and scrappy...
If India wants to become a globally competitive manufacturing hub, it will have to...
If indeed the gate opens for big industrial houses, the RBI needs to be smarter than...
Clearly, the extra borrowing of Rs 4.2 trillion the government has planned so far will...
It is not clear as to whether we are in a bubble in technology stocks. What is clear,...
The recovery seen in the increased economic activity till September or October is...
Its obsession for growth, chasing corporate clients and giving up its original mandate...
10 per cent for those who earn up to Rs 30 lakh a year and 25 per cent for those who...
The most common complaint of financial consumers is cumbersome processes, complicated...
The lockdown has taught companies a lesson or two on running business with fewer human...
How long will the RBI allow the government to borrow cheaply?A change in policy...
For the first time, consumers, including those at the so-called bottom of the pyramid,...
The only path to recovery of the economy lies in profit growth that triggers off...
These companies provide better quality jobs and so it is particularly reassuring to see...
The RBI, which has no interest or mechanism to get feedback from bank customers, is...
Both India and China talk now of self-reliance when their external trade, in relation...
...and getting GDP to measure India's data economy, recommends Ajit Balakrishnan.
Let all the stakeholders, especially the government, remember that if the Make in India...
Access to India's defence market must be made conditional -- available only to those...
To justify that farmers must burn if they are not paid cash incentive is doing...
Every option before the finance minister comes with a price tag, observes T N Ninan.
IThe fiscal deficit target for 2020-2021 was originally set at 3.5 per cent of GDP.But...
Keeping the employment rate from slipping is challenging.To merely keep the employment...
If credit card delinquency spells trouble, there may be questions with regard to the...
Historically, the RBI has tried to keep the crooks at bay by issuing a circular a day....
Bangladesh might overtake India this year by per capita income in nominal dollars, but...
India should not be left behind. It should join the seven central banks which are...
Are we seeing a replay of March 2000? What are the similarities and differences and how...
Nothing in India's recent history suggests that India can provide 8-9 million jobs a...
Scams happen with high regularity because the price of getting caught is...
...but are we chasing yesterday's dreams, asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
The oil sector has been quite lucky for the Modi government.It has often provided an...
That's why he is now finally focusing on the two things that alone can help: Fiscal...
The labour participation rate tells us how many of the working age population are...
There will be uncertainty about outcomes,but one must hope for the best, observes T N...
The problem is major, and the problem affects hundreds of millions of people.Ignoring...
'To all the MBAs that burn the candle at both ends, travel half-a-million miles every...
DDinesh Kumar Khara is someone who cares for others's ideas and suggestions. If he...
Unless we control the coronavirus, we are going to struggle to get our economy and...
'India is not so distant from years of high and entrenched inflationary expectations...
'The promises of netas and babus and new laws, however well-meaning, mean little.''What...
The manner in which India has allowed the rule of law to be subverted for over eight...
'There can be no dispute over the adverse impact such a policy will surely have on...
'Given all the linkages, the monthly registration data for new vehicles, may well be...
Is the RBI unable to accept with grace that beyond 55, one can have the ability to head...
The biggest loss of jobs among salaried employees was of 'white-collar professional...
'The answer for a quicker boost to growth is simple -- run a much larger deficit, use...
'The solution is to enable a graceful transfer of the deposit and funding 'franchise'...
Market estimates suggest the airline has already totted up Rs 1,800 crore of losses in...
And if there are so many opportunities, why haven't they invested in them, asks...
If banks cannot charge interest from borrowers during the moratorium, who will bear...
The last three prime ministers who served full terms started out in their early 70s. Mr...
The agency's poor track record in convictions is the only light at the end of a rather...
The question on who should borrow from the market and whether the borrowing will be...
...Is this a virus more dangerous than Covid-19, asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
'This encourages escapism through the politics and economics of nationalism, made worse...
Risk aversion is currently a dominant depressant to economic recovery, points out...
What will be its impact on the banks's balance sheets? Since banks need to provide for...
There were 86 million salaried jobs in India during 2019-2020. In August 2020, their...
'The recalculated ranking showed India should have had a higher ranking earlier (113 in...
'With the June quarter GDP shrinking by nearly a quarter, there is an even greater...
This is a moment when the leaders at the Centre and states must show true leadership...
The industry is hoping the Tatas deepen their dive and offer two stable airlines -- a...
Apart from its enforceability through courts due to it being part of the I-T Act, two...
Pranab Mukherjee's stewardship of the economy will stand out as much for the manner in...
'The 20 to 24 age group accounted for 35% of job losses till July.''The 25 to 29 age...
'It may be prudent not to plunge into a new online tax appeals system in one go, which...
'Covid or no Covid, I knew I had made the right decision (calls from my bank to extend...
'The attention economy is making it economically valuable for us to spread our...
'Loss of these urban salaried jobs is, therefore, likely to have a particularly...
'The government has said it has kept its powder dry to fight the true battle against...
Will retirement bedim the sparkle of Captain Cool, asks ad guru Sandeep Goyal?
Under the watchful eyes of five wise men, who know the industry well, banks will not...
When it comes to Mr Portnoy, it is hard to claim that his trading patterns are any more...
Opening up India's market to neighbouring countries can be as strategic as access...
What will the Centre and the Tamil Nadu government do to answer the queries and fears...
What makes the SBI case even more curious is that the government didn't insist on a...
'Under this government, tax laws have become more draconian, and the government itself...
'The much-awaited decision could be a welcome change at a time when the Indian armed...
Will it trigger a social and management revolution as well, asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
The financial sector has been deeply troubled since 2013. It is now in a full-blown...
The government may have to resort, eventually and however unwillingly, to printing...
'Three external members of the first MPC are respected researchers with excellent...
While salaried jobs are not lost easily, once lost they are also far more difficult to...
'In a serious fiscal situation like this, an ostrich-like focus on annual budgeting,...
The recovery momentum could be petering out well before the recovery is complete, notes...
The problem is with the broking model and what brokers are allowed to do, notes...
Mukesh Ambani is stringing in new partnerships within the Reliance ecosystem with the...
'We get to know secrets such as some of India's top-rated firms do not always make...
They have everything they wanted as a teenager - only they seem to have got it all 50...
India is today the second-largest telecom market in the world with over a billion...
While the lockdown hit employment in all age groups, it hit the employment of...
The employment that is returning is mostly essential services required by Indian...
'The CEO will neither be able to guide the senior team in operational matters nor...
The hack may have been done by a rogue Twitter employee, or it may have been a smart...
'The most important thing to do is to stop taxing citizens so brutally,' recommends T C...
'The finance ministry and public sector banks have tried to keep the names of wilful...
India has no option but to shut China out, notes T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan.
The IT industry advisories show that they think they've weathered the worst, observes...
'An explanation perhaps lies in the culture of revisions that has grown deep roots in...
'India is home to the third-largest number of family-owned businesses in the world.'...
'It won't be easy to undo the damage that has been done to the economy by the lockdown...
India's Internet economy has two choices: An immediate $30 billion Sale-and-Leaseback...
'Google and Facebook need to be tamed, their garb of 'Investing in India's future' need...
'Mr Modi has a huge opportunity before him.''Whether he grabs it the way Mrs Gandhi did...
We import from China not because we love China, but because they sell us these things...
'The PSBs ended up recording Rs 7,709 crore losses in the March quarter compared to the...
Listening -- really listening -- to advisers in the government and outside would...
'India's future: To manufacture so efficiently that we do not need protection,' says...
History shows us that even effective vaccines could have unknown side effects that...
'The road ahead for the government's fiscal management will be full of many new...
'This is for the first time home loan rates have dropped below 7 per cent,' notes Tamal...
'When fund managers talk of being bullish for the long term, they assume strong...
'Usually, urban wage rates are 50 per cent higher than rural wage rates. But, this...
Fintechs need to behave with responsibility and transparency. A lot of mis-selling has...
'This is the first time there has been an attempt to use market forces to counter...
It is time the government cast its net wide for seeking expert advice on managing the...
'As for tricky relations with China, India needs less of summitry type event management...
'Real estate loans are given in the garb of retail loans, sourcing money cheap from the...
'India imports 70 per cent of its bulk drugs from China. Are we going to live without...
The bosses of SBI, Union Bank and Central Bank have been driving down to their offices...
'There is a misconception that gold is a dead asset in India.''Around 30 per cent of...
Yes, India needs desperate measures to kick-start growth. But selling off its lungs to...
Every time the Indian economy has faced headwinds due to international developments,...
'The first year of the Modi government's second term has laid the roadmap for the...
'Anyone can string together a few alliterative words, but are they a substitute for...
'People are getting back to work.''The worst seems to be over.''It is very likely that...
Microsoft top boss Satya Nadella feels the increase in productivity has come at the...
'Initially, Gift City was just another real estate project, but all that changed with...
The timing is ripe for the creation of multiple special situations realty focused...
'Banks have to be braver, willing to take more risks and give confidence to the...
When emerging from this crisis, the govt must consider a fresh approach to reviving...
'Given that the economy is going through a slowdown, further downward revisions of the...
Do the words 'fiscal deficit', whenever they come up for discussion anywhere - be it...
There is a pattern to the Modi government's economic decisions.The follow-up, the...
Or a brief stop on the way to better times, asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
'Like doctors, health workers, police, bankers are also COVID warriors,' notes Tamal...
'Leaders of the Indian community in Hong Kong had broached the idea of developing the...
'It may sound like sacrilege, but does it really matter if the global raters downgrade...
'Businessmen like Rajiv render public service when they speak truth to power,' observes...
'Everybody knows that any solution would upstage and expose official bungling.''That is...
'Instead of wailing about the absence of tax benefits, the private sector should press...
'Employees may well be expected to be on call at almost all times -- much like the...
'As banks grapple with risk aversion and savers see an erosion in the value of money,...
'When the lockdown grounded a billion people, nothing had been planned well: Testing,...
Dhirubhai may or may not have owned the government; it would seem his son wants to own...
In the midst of huge job losses as a fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, Tamil Nadu...
The best available recourse to keep the defence sector healthy, is to source most of...
'The stimulus message was tagged on to what was meant to be an exhortation to...
'Credit expansion is probably the quickest way to get the economy going again.''Easy...
Will people buy as many cars as before if more office-goers are working from home? How...
'The belief that FDI will shift from China appears to be a strategy of politicians to...
'Over 27 million youngsters in their 20s lost their jobs in April.''33 million men and...
'In times of recovery, we may see a rural-urban divide with the urban pockets affected...
Whether it took the corona crisis to bring about the transformation, or otherwise, the...
'Now is the time for India to course correct and for the government also to course...
It is time to shrug off the ideological shackles about the way we work, play and live,...
'Modi has not lacked courage in the political sphere. It is time he showed it in the...
'A balanced head plus heart approach would be a full opening up of the economy...
'Two consecutive quarters of negative growth are the technical definition of an...
'I have no problems with the finance ministry or with state governments treating petrol...
'As much as $4 billion in India's start-up companies has come from Chinese...
'A total overall of the existing way of working by abolishing taxes and allowing...
'Banks are being encouraged to lend instead of parking their resources with the RBI and...
'MFs acted as reckless lenders and not as prudent investors.''Clearly, how debt funds...
'How do we ensure that the unlocking, which is desperately needed for earning income...
'The impact of COVID-19 on the economy has been so overwhelming that even a significant...
'This is not without risk because extraordinary steps taken in exceptional times have...
'India-China economic ties are likely to take a hit in the wake of the new situation,...
'Once the lockdown is lifted, we will need the mother of all fiscal and monetary policy...
'One way of doing this could be offering credit guarantee to the banks, say 10 per...
'Their dharma propels them to pay their workers; otherwise, they know the boys would...
'How the lockdown is phased out or lifted will tell us if the government has succeeded...
'The economic impact of this lockdown is evidently huge.''Its impact on the livelihood...
'We do not know when we will get to the business-as-usual mode.''Many borrowers may not...
'No one cares about fiscal deficit now. Or for that matter, inflation.''The focus is on...
'We may have moved back three decades on the fiscal situation,' notes T N Ninan.
Not just in the fight against COVID-19, but also in politics, economics and society,...
'If the government was serious about co-opting the corporate sector meaningfully in the...
'Common sense says if one can afford, servicing the loans during this period is a...
'The telecom companies are our lifeline now, despite having nearly collapsed under debt...
'A large number of people are suddenly waking up to the fear of losing jobs,' says...
'It is hard to imagine a sector which will not be violently affected by the health...
Now that the coronavirus induced economic mess has provided the occasion, opportunity...
The government has an opportunity right now to save Indians from deep recession, and in...
'So far, no government has imposed a financial emergency in the country,' notes A K...
'Even before the outbreak of the flu, it had become clear that the tax revenue numbers...
Banks can collapse, markets can be rigged, investment instruments can become worthless...
'Most of the testing capacity in India is in the private sector.''Whether it is the...
What might be useful is targeted assistance to those sectors and individuals that are...
'The impact of economic sho�cks on the labour markets is usually on the young who delay...
'If the epidemic is sharply contained in a month or two, we have a huge buying...
'Tens of millions will be working from home for months at a time, which means the...
'The new trains should be fast, but the roll-out of the privatisation plan should be...
'The RBI has not allowed any commercial bank to fail in the past three decades.''It has...
'While growth will bounce back from the current sub-5 per cent, it will stay lower than...
'The coronavirus epidemic highlights the need to start thinking more actively about...
Ajit Balakrishnan offers a thinking man's guide to the angst of the professions.
'As the 1991 experience showed, the solution to a large trade deficit may be to open up...
'All these incidents go to show that the day of the anodyne, apolitical corporation is...
'The government has given up its focus on economic growth because it it not something...
'The snakes and ladders game will continue till the consolidation process is complete...
How do we get back to higher trend growth?The heart of the problem lies in private...
The ones who came more recently were clutching the green cards that gave them an escape...
'All the three stakeholders will have to sacrifice their current position and find an...
'The assumed linear correlation between forced lower yields, higher bank borrowing from...
'Modi's strategy to redesign India's economy was Make in India, but that has flopped,'...
'Appellants may not lap up the scheme because, first, to do so would amount to...
Has the advent of technology made it easier, or more difficult, for brands to...
'If such inflows materialise, what will be the effect on the rupee's value -- and...
'Nirmalaji's Budget announcements have long-term implications and are not backed by...
Mr Modi should be conscious that it was his choice to slash the number of tax-payers...
The government should have mentioned clearly the specific structural reforms that were...
'For those looking at forward-looking signals for the economy from the stock markets,...
Had he not been a student, admirer and follower of Amartya Sen, T C A...
'What is unusual about the current period of slow growth is that it has come without an...
'Wage earners are shrinking. In both, the organised and unorganised sectors. And,...
If the finance minister's tax proposals have stimulated demand at all, it's for CAs,...
'The new ceiling will cover around 93 per cent of all deposit accounts, up from 90 per...
The Economic Survey seems convinced that 2019-2020 saw the bottom of the economic...
'More a show that you are doing something in the Budget even if that something never...
'The Modi doctrine of national Budget is clear now.''If six of these in a row did not...
Ajit Balakrishnan offers a thinking man's guide to e-commerce controversies.
No attention to detail seems to have been paid while introducing such a major provision...
Samridhi Bhardwaj analyses the dynamics of duty-free liquor allowance in India.
'The next general election is four years away. That's enough time to recover --...
'It is almost certainly wrong in assuming that the Modi government will use its strong...
'Air India's privatisation is acceptable as long as its control does not pass on to a...
'India is growing at the lowest rate in the last decade.' 'If it continues in that path...
Construction companies will make money building detention centres. Information...
'I am sure Dr Patra will get the fullest cooperation from the finance minister who...
The immediate need is to put more money in the hands of agriculture-based and rural...
'The global corporates are concerned: You used to have policy predictability, now it's...
'There is a time for lowering one's expectations of the economy -- and therefore not...
Piyush Goyal's comments about Amazon founder Jeff Bezos's investment in India reveals...
'The BJP has shown signs lately of returning to its trader mindset.''Several strong...
How Bajaj, Colgate, Raymonds, Zee lost out..Strategic errors have hurt many companies,...
'The slide in growth has arisen primarily because we have an NBFC crisis on top of a...
Neither the CAA nor the proposed NRC are important enough to stake the well-being of so...
Amid slowing growth and low interest rates, investors will need to focus on...
'We may bite the bullet and draw up plans for privatisation.''If that is done now, the...
'The economy has to become the government's No. 1 priority, which it is not at the...
As a well-wisher of the Indian Statistical System and part of the system for more than...
'The current crisis is one of incomes, driven by poor job growth, agrarian distress and...
'When bankers are hounded by investigative agencies for credit decisions going wrong...
'While consumers have benefited tremendously from rock-bottom telecom tariffs, the...
'With a less than comely bride and no dowry to speak of, the prospects of landing a...
'By not only decriminalising routine business failures, but by ensuring that...
Ajit Balakrishnan offers a New Year resolution for our policy-makers.
'It is feared that AI can predict the outcome of a case once it is launched.''It knows...
'Industry observers are certain the next attempt will succeed even if they have to...
'If India can only grow at 5%, why bother spending time on the country?' asks Akash...
If India Inc sincerely feels the separation of posts is not a good governance measure,...
'The Modi government is trying hard to see if it could be sold to a private...
'The advertising business, methinks, needs to tone down a bit. Take control of itself,...
'The AMs are a different beast and reflect the political play within the...
'The finance minister in her Budget speech should spell out how exactly she intends to...
'The focus for IT companies will shift from adding scale to building a smaller, more...
Women dominate Indian banks's clerical and officer rolls, but few make it to the...
'With the big political job done, the time has come to pay attention to the economy,...
'What stood out at these meetings between industry representatives and government...
In a country where crimes are rampant, including financial crimes with ATMs sometimes...
'Perhaps GST was too complex a system for the Indian economy at its present stage of...
'Defence funding is channelled to State-owned research organisations where scientists...
'Given the emerging trends, it may be time for India to embrace digital banking,' notes...
'The current budgetary practice of shifting expenditures off-balance sheet in order to...
Individual banks should break away from the industry pact and have their own...
'What amazes me the most is that today users communicate with voice-activated speakers...
In fact, no other recent Union Budget has held so much significance for the Indian...
'We have set out a timetable to reduce income tax rates for all incomes below Rs 50...
'The Indian economy is in slowdown and growth may stay slow,' notes Devangshu Datta.
'Institutional ownership, by December 2018, had increased 37.5% from approximately 22%...
From promoters losing their firms to consumers realising there are no free lunches,...
Perhaps the calculation is that economic recovery will have been achieved before the...
'The majoritarian solution is what the BJP always prefers.''But this solution suffers...
It is difficult to say if the banking sector will see the worst behind it by March...
'A close relationship between India Inc and the government cannot help the BJP win...
'Mere fundamentals will not do the trick,' cautions former commerce secretary Rahul...
The Bajaj Super could not be called a pretty scooter, but it was sturdy and reliable,...
'There has been far too much overconfidence about the size and composition of the...
'The no-rate cut policy and preference to wait for the Budget and clarity on the fiscal...
'India Inc has been afraid to criticise the government of the day for many years now,...
'The large scale and widespread shrinking of the labour force in November, the peaking...
'The unveiling of the Cybertruck seems to me the turning point in the design and...
'Those who are talking of adopting the Narasimha Rao-Manmohan Singh policy must...
'I suggest Rahul Bajaj come out in the open and give us his own white paper on the...
'Being one of the 150 million upper middle class consumers, I can vouch that the...
'When growth drops precipitously from 7% to 4.5% in four quarters, it is for all...
Do a straw poll of any business friends and you will laugh and weep at what they go...
'The Modi government, like the Singh one, has run into what is called a perfect storm,...
'Tinkering will not do. Merely staggering spectrum dues comes nowhere near solving the...
'The rise in unemployment, underemployment, discouraged workers and job insecurity is...
Computers need to be trained to recognise images, says Devangshu Datta.
'It is inconceivable that there are no gays working in Indian corporations but...
'Perhaps a better question to ask would be: Is this 'Made for India'?' asks AI expert...
'The high unemployment rate being witnessed today is not only the highest in three...
India needs a National Trade Policy Council, chaired by a minister who reports directly...
'The government has to stop trying to fix things for lenders, projects, homeowners and...
Fix India's real estate sector. Fix India's public sector banks, advises Tamal...
'There is a fiscal crisis building up, which might become apparent when the Finance...
'When an institution believes its knowledge and capability is superior to everyone, it...
'It is time to think up a policy of incentivising farmers in the states around...
'The real estate sector has been badly bruised because it has become too reliant on...
Good intentions are best left to political parties, governments and religious...
'It's a toss-up between a fire sale of equity or merger with a strong bank,' points out...
'From the investor's point of view, a real change would happen only when business...
'If global growth continues to be sluggish, India instead could potentially take a...
'It seems a wiser decision to pull out at the right moment than regret after joining...
'The 5.3% growth in wages per employee is the lowest growth in nine years,' points out...
There's no silver bullet to get rid of poverty, says Alok Sheel.
'Can Tendulkar recreate the magic of his youth?', asks advertising guru Sandeep Goyal.
'Clearly, the depositors of cooperative banks need the maximum protection.'
'Should the most important part of economic reform not comprise the way we look at the...
'Let the high price of onions clear the market, matching supply with demand.''Let onion...
'Handled poorly, it could either lead to a witch-hunt in organisations that is fertile...
It became increasingly clear that the real negotiations the government had to conduct...
Does Abhijit Banerjee's Nobel Prize help India reduce extreme poverty, asks Rajeev...
'Event management can distract from, but not permanently mask, execution failures,'...
'Without bold action to deal with our banking crisis, count on the economy's doldrums...
'As of now, foreign investors are the only viable source of long-term funds for the...
'Mr Modi would compliment a Nobel Prize winner, but members of his party or the...
'India's main focus needs to be on policies that foster innovation and freedom for...
'Growth would have to be 7% in the October-March period, if the year as a whole is to...
'The revival of household savings and investment is the litmus test of whether we are...
'Is the worst behind IDBI Bank? Can its managing director and CEO, State Bank of...
'Fiscal purists would quarrel with the idea of selling assets to pay for current...
The cost of doing business in India is much too high and adversely impacts...
'Put the assets of PMC Bank and the personal assets of the HDIL promoters and head of...
'An influencer is expected to have upwards of 100,000 followers across various social...
'By holding forth on Swadeshi economics, Bhagwat is showing his intent to fight back,'...
'In a highly rotten system, favourite officers are given rewards even when there is no...
'Tax cuts will have only marginal effects in the short run and significant positive...
'Electronic media splash sensational headlines of the bulb prices about to cross the...
'We can only hope that the government has finally 'got it' and will stay focused on...
'India missed the software products revolution (and now is in danger of missing the...
States could then stop complaining about the Centre and fashion their own economic...
'The leadership is confronted with an economy growing at its slowest pace in 20 years,'...
'If you ask India's finest business leaders, they now tell you -- in whispers, of...
India's export share in global trade has been close to 2 per cent now for over five...
For Duflo and Banerjee, an important part of their work has been ensuring that the...
'Why do we make finance ministers go into contortions, to tell us that near 6% is...
'If more than 60 commissioner-level tax officials were compulsorily retired in the span...
China had been trying hard to enter the Indian market, without opening its own to...
'The intention of the government is to bring back the economic growth trajectory and...
'The market may take time to digest this merger but it could be a template for the next...
'Since the bilateral deficit is a reality -- and a worry -- we need to find a way to...
'Today, hospitality and tourism are one of the biggest job creators and India is the...
Some reversal of unilateral ad hoc trade policy measures may have been all that was...
Piyush Goyal, the minister for commerce, said in an interview the other day that he...
If the interest rate on bank deposits is linked to any external benchmark, it would...
If the airline could work out flight disruption arrangements with other airlines that...
'India's achievement will go a long way in the world meeting its Sustainable...
'Indira's decline was spectacular. The Arab-Israel Yom Kippur war, followed by the...
'Though I welcome the reduction of tax rates for corporates, I wonder why the benefits...
'Is the labour market full of people who cannot find jobs or does it also consist a lot...
Luckily for him, Modi once again has a golden opportunity to go down as a great...
'From lenders or purely fund raising point of view, money could more safely be deployed...
In the domestic market, the industry could actually do with more consolidation. Fewer...
'Only a forensic audit can answer the questions the lenders have but don't dare to...
These banks are all owned by the same promoter, and the promoter is broke. That...
'The initiation of a currency war could mark the opening of a new front in the US-China...
'Under the floating rate system, when interest rates go up, banks are quick to increase...
'The goal is achievable. What is stopping us from getting there?' asks Aakar Patel.
'In order to qualify to even apply for the job of CEA, the applicant should have worked...
'Administrative delays and hiccups in implementation have typically been the bane of...
'For a Union minister to mock the basic maths behind criticism of the government's...
If the tax revenue growth remains as tepid as 6.6 per cent, the revenue shortfall would...
Ajit Balakrishnan on handling the transition to the Information Age.
'The current institutional arrangement that disperses strategic decisions to the...
'Already, tax revenue has been running well short of targets. Along with the undeclared...
In the second part of the series, Pranab Bardhan there is evidence that inequality has...
'Attempts to redistribute income from the rich to the poor through progressive taxes...
'The Indian economy has become like a car that has the appropriate wheels on one side...
Sasha Chhetri, the Airtel 4G girl, is a better known face across India than most...
'There is no one to offer jobs to the unemployed. And, there is no business for the...
'The most successful Indian firms are setting the trend, make the current partnerships...
Prime Minister Modi should realise that his favourite preoccupation of India's standing...
'We can't have the best of both worlds -- large, efficient, world class...
'Unless income grows fast enough to outpace price inflation in services, which are in...
'When your economy is growing at 8 per cent or above, it is a case of what you might...
'We have not been able to use the potential of our location in the region and the world...
'Corporatisation is not only in OFB's interest and important for its long-term...
'Key personages in the government, and that includes the prime minister, engage...
The fact remains that it is almost impossible to predict the course of the stock...
'The government should seriously contemplate a gradual reduction of the ownership and...
'The private sector is now the engine for economic growth. Mr Modi's statement on...
'A large theoretical and empirical literature in development microeconomics suggests...
'The problem seems to be this: Whereas as chief minister Modi was anxious to draw...
'The government needs to take immediate steps to provide a reprieve from multiple...
'Governance has been a serious concern in Indian companies (mostly family-owned)...
'Other than addressing the problems of cane growers, the government has done little to...
If Manmohan Singh was hobbled by allegations of sleaze and a stagnant economy, Modi...
'In the headlong rush to 5G, pause to ponder: How much capital invested in 4G will be...
While his predecessors, Manmohan Singh and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, had trusted confidants...
'The legend that was Iacocca may be difficult for any to rival despite millions of...
Why did the banks take such a large exposure to Kingfisher? Did a few politicians and...
'The ill-advised policy of denying such useful and sought-after seeds to the farmers...
Ajit Balakrishnan on why an anti-digital wave like the anti-carbon one is around the...
'No one has so far showed problems in the MCA data (only the Central Statistics Office...
'But the world would be much poorer without economics' contribution to understanding...
'Misplaced national priorities have brought the economy to a cul-de-sac,' says...
'If businesses are focused on de-leveraging, they can hardly be investing. This is the...
'It is a shame that the female work participation rate is still abysmally low.'But it...
'Instead of synthesising bond markets with steroids loaded with economically distortive...
'In 1991 the right rhetoric was backed by major policy change driven by a committed...
'If the current mood in North Block, headquarters of the finance ministry, is anything...
The confluence of an impossible trinity at home and natural, economic, technological...
'The deeper problem is big government -- a giant monster with a giant appetite, which...
'Over the first four months of this financial year, services exports fetched $74.05...
'The concept behind GST is that the best and most efficient way to compensate the poor...
'On every rational count, today's India is in dramatically better shape than 28 years...
57 per cent of the respondents believed that the jobs situation would improve in a year...
sentiment of end-users as well as investors who previously banked heavily on...
The reasons for the prime minister to speak to the readers of an economic newspaper and...
The largest contributing factor to such practice is the pile of bad assets. Banks do...
The Bankruptcy Code and the GST are a good start. But reforming land, labour, power,...
A disruption in low salinity layer of water because of massive damming of rivers under...
'Modi must pull off the economic equivalent of his Article 370 coup. No one thought it...
A structural shift to meet the demand for affordable health and education of reasonable...
'No one should labour under any illusions. Without structural change, sustainable...
Indian coffee shops market over the next four-five years will grow between 6 and 18 per...
Though startups find 17 mentions in the Budget speech of the finance minister, and have...
Since investment demands political and social stability, the Centre needs to offer...
This question has been puzzling observers of the Indian economy for the last five...
India beats even China and US in groundwater extraction, which is perhaps why the rate...
I was impressed by his sharp intellect, his ability to connect the dots in...
We can only solve the inequality and growth problems if we allow the private sector a...
'The Modi regime is not willing to use its huge political capital for taking any...
It is meaningless to discuss what the government can do. The road map is unknown, the...
India's total hard currency debt as of end March 2019 was $ 543 billion of which $...
Can even the most powerful and best-intentioned minister guarantee that the...
If net forex outflows turn out to be relatively high in the next few years, the rupee...
With Indian companies still tackling the fallout of the triple shocks of...
'Just look at how India has succeeded in doubling the population of its tigers in the...
Given the various risks to growth, one could argue for rate cuts to be deeper than the...
All raters need to go for Sadhguru's internal cleansing process through a forensic...
Why did the government think it was necessary to shift Subhash Garg from the finance...
While Prime Minister Modi grapples with serious matters of State so very successfully,...
DGCA, the main pilot flying the airline or the commander in the pilot's seat need to...
In addition to easing monetary policy, investors would like to see more attempts to...
Contractual labour is vulnerable independent of whether it is engaged by the organised...
'The State cannot harvest rain; people have to be involved.'It has to be done in every...
By responding to the customer in question, Zomato forgot the basic norm of business...
As one of the fastest urbanising countries in the world, Indian cities would continue...
'The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 was essentially meant to enable smooth and...
The current focus on data to measure marketing success could herald the end of an era...
'If private banks hold on to their role as growth drivers, it won't be long before they...
If the market players and businessmen had paid attention to the government's actions,...
The NCLAT's order is offensive because it goes against every tenet of bankruptcy...
A debate on whether State-run banks need to be privatised or not is a superficial...
Enjoying the backing of the regulator, Gill has identified the core problems,...
'The Budget provides the clearest statement of the government's intention of...
'How do you deliver wealth when you don't have the slightest idea about it?' asks T C A...
'The super-rich -- entrepreneurs, CEOs, CFOs -- are generators of wealth. They already...
If foreigners need reasonable taxes, why offer citizens something else? If foreign...
'Perhaps India can become the first emerging economy to present a well-being Budget or...
The 7 per cent GDP growth estimates presented now by the official agencies do not...
'A buoyant market economy is one which is led by the innovation and imagination of...
The 50th anniversary of bank nationalisation is an appropriate occasion for the owner...
The seniors are no longer just being used as props in happy family photographs in ads....
'With low inflation and fiscal prudence, we will see more rate cuts in coming months,'...
'It is in electronics that the gap between where we are and where we need to be is most...
Note that the Budget speech's focus on rural India is part of a carefully constructed...
'Alas, there is no "big bang" reforms package in this Budget,' says Shankar Acharya.
'No Budget has so far has addressed the issue of the government's abysmal productivity...
'The future will lie with countries that stay ahead of the globalisation curve and...
'The government believes there is still significant scope to bring more people under...
'That Modi and the BJP can continue to treat the rising and expanding middle class this...
'The Budget numbers presented severely underestimate the magnitude of the unstated...
The Budget is impressive in its clarity on both the destination and the direction, says...
Levying buyback tax at a flat rate of 20 per cent (plus applicable surcharge and cess),...
And if you have started wondering why such innovations come only from American...
'These are interesting days for watchers of English cricket and central banking,'...
The only way water will be used efficiently by consumers is if they have to pay an...
Today, with growth having slowed and macro-economic challenges in every direction,...
Even in ruin, Jet retained its one essential brand quality: Dignity, says brand guru...
'An era of fiscal pessimism is setting in, which, if not countered intellectually, is...
Nirmala Sitharaman's maiden Budget has not disappointed but vision and details,...
The central banks' role is important, both during normal as well as crisis times. While...
'Is India going to miss some more of its potential demographic dividend?''If so, it...
The origin of the challenge is the so-called "fresh start" process.Many in the MFI...
Although this may not be music to Raghuram Rajan and Viral Acharya's ears, the real...
''I have been saying for the last 25 years, to no avail naturally, that the only...
'The fiscal situation is stressed (when is it not?!), economic growth has slowed, tax...
'Wine is an indicator of the quality of life,' says Alok Chandra.
Hopes of radical approaches to some of the daunting problems of India, kindled by the...
There is a drastic difference between genders in the right to inherit land. Over a...
'Awareness should be raised; protocols and procedures, and reporting mechanisms must be...
First, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, much-lauded as a game changer, needs serious...
'Indian creative and digital agencies seem to be completely missing the mark,' says...
Change will have to begin with Mr Modi, who by all accounts has shown little active...
'Azim Premji has given away about one-and-a-half lakh crore rupees of his wealth.''Most...
Users of employment / unemployment statistics can enjoy the benefits of -- initially...
A host of dynamic reforms, policies and announcements during the last five years are...
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, mere tinkering with existing government...
'If Modi wants to help the poor and get the credit for it as well, he must do what...
'I know margins are under pressure, but have banks begin to stoop so low to enhance...
'Khan Market is useful if not central to our existence,' says Kishore Singh.
'No one seems to have looked at the extent of money that is being borrowed by...
Tamal Bandyopadhyay offers some unsolicited advice for a government wh,ich came to...
Falling private sector investment and farm distress are problems that call for...
'Since the growth is not fast enough to provide jobs for the young, the fallout will be...
'How does one square up the fact that despite the infusion of money at election time...
It's possible to curb tax evasion using high-end technology. But it requires an honest...
'Chinese companies have acquired stakes in 13 ports in Europe, including in Greece,...
'In their over-enthusiasm to clean up the system, both the banks and the regulator...
'If he were to ask me, I would tell Mr Modi that the real Congress legacy he has to...
'The Budget will have to be substantially re-cast as soon as a new government takes...
Probably in August. We can argue whether RBI is dovishly neutral or neutrally dovish...
Acquisitions are done to synergise with existing offerings of firms; to strengthen or...
It is possible that the Centre has now become wiser and has decided to follow an...
Ajit Balakrishnan offers a recipe for creating 100,000 plus angel investors in India.
'The digital economy will generate 60 to 65 million jobs by 2025, 20 million more than...
Lack of literacy is compromising the ability of farmers in India and China, two of the...
It keeps getting harder every day for the government to drive its narrative that ample...
'Why are FMPs used as a vehicle for promoter funding against listed shares?' asks...
The Modi government caved in under American pressure without even token resistance.Two...
'The new government will have to contend with slowing economic growth, weak private...
'A rag-tag coalition is more insecure and hence, more inclined to reform,' argues...
Whatever be India's course of action, it will have an impact on India-Iran ties, notes...
'Vodafone Idea has losses running over Rs 10,000 crore in the last four quarters.''It...
'By August 2018, it was evident that Jet was heading into serious financial...
Uttarakhand's Kumaon hills are setting new standards in dirt and poor solid waste...
A political party's manifesto is the first stage of building a compact with the voters...
'Dr Rajan is often preachy with commandments aimed at nobody in particular,' complains...
'What will this supposedly more business-friendly government do if it gets a second...
For the past 10 years or more, the RBI has been turning down dozens of applications...
India has achieved 100 per cent electrical connectivity, but 100 per cent...
In prior elections, not only have opinion poll forecasts been very different from the...
'The attempt to build a negative narrative about India's economic performance is...
The BJP needs to worry about the kinds of professions it has landed up glorifying --...
The RBI wants to include shares and options within the variable salary of the CEOs,...
The expectation that Mr Modi would be a major reformer, capable of reinvigorating the...
It's high time we now turn the popular question on its head -- when there is no growth...
'Once we are past this electoral season, during which all promises are presented as...
GST rate cut for real-estate, income transfer scheme, farm loan waivers execution and...
An overriding ambition to rule the domestic skies prevented Jet Airways from becoming a...
'I find the RBI edict to the Kotak Mahindra Bank to reduce Uday Kotak's shareholding...
Such listings will help internationalise our currency, give us economic heft, compel...
None of the four benchmarks suggested by the RBI is ideal as banks in India create loan...
The Securities and Exchange Board of India does not seem to have understood the...
Modi government's story of five years with regard to equity allocation for PSUs shows...
While IDBI Bank's 140 million customers and 1800-odd branches will come in handy for...
Who is to take their place? Will a new generation of entrepreneurs start up with better...
Zee and Star, the two largest media companies in India, are undergoing some radical...
'Rawalpindi must downsize its quest for 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan and Kashmir,'...
Regulators and investigators around the world have access to sophisticated tools making...
While the five years of the Modi government have indeed seen a healthy increase in...
Rural and urban regions present different labour participation and employment levels....
Alas, the 'basic income' schemes that have hit the headlines in the recent past are a...
Banking is a boring business but still the banker should enjoy it as fancy awards and...
'Should you give a man fish, or teach him how to fish?' 'Lurking hidden in the new bout...
'...because of its permanent nature.''If you work for the private sector or for...
While the five years of the Modi government have indeed seen a healthy increase in...
Governments make budgets to retain and consolidate their hold on power, not to please...
Enabling the online booking and payment for Indian Railway tickets is one such case....
The formula for success of farm economy is very simple -- farmers should be able to...
In the first of a two-part series, Tamal Bandyopadhyay explains why the ICICI Bank's...
The negative aspect about the Budget is that the capital expenditure has been...
There appears to be a growing perception among the political class that faster growth...
Even if the same party returns to power, what is important to debate is that having...
Is India witnessing jobless growth or is there actually no issue with employment? The...
'Good economics isn't necessarily bad politics, or vice versa,' says Shekhar Gupta.
'We get an overzealous army of tax inspectors pushing the economy too hard,' says Ajay...
Forget about interim Budgets, one cannot easily recall even a full Budget of any...
'The list of things to be done or added or removed will keep growing and it will be a...
'I am not surprised that hubris brought Chanda Kochhar down. It would appear that as a...
'Why can't a country that builds and manages airports of acknowledged excellence at...
Given the rapid changes in the Indian labour market, there is an urgent need to have...
What connects P S Jayakumar of Bank of Baroda, V Vaidyanathan of Capital First Ltd and...
Within the next two years, verification and scrutiny of returns will happen...
Those behind recapitalisation are neither aware nor do they care.After all, they have...
Niti Aayog's plan to create a 'New India' in less than four years should invite...
Given Indian corporates's high indebtedness, new credit will be used for servicing...
Trai's regulatory intervention was supposed to stimulate the market, but the latest...
The RBI governor has to convert the zero-sum game with the government from a...
'Persisting with the inequalities, indeed seeing them get worse, is no one's...
Woefully inadequate infrastructure is just one of the many reasons why a case is not...
China has consistently spent more than 2% of GDP on R&D while India's expenditure...
Continue to invest normally unless prices fall drastically in April-May.If prices do...
'In many parts of the country, the empty nest-and-empty-nest egg story is a painful...
'Will Mr Jaitley listen, or is that expecting too much in pre-election season?' asks T...
Can business schools re-invent their role, asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
The evolving RBI-government relationship, a reversal in the interest rate cycle and...
Why do hundreds, and in some cases, thousands, turn up for a single vacancy at the...
Some genius assumed that a 2,000 note could seamlessly replace 500s and 1000s in...
India is on the brink of overhauling its tax system, implementing the BEPS project and...
The country must get its act on global alliances right in order to feed its fuel-hungry...
While payments banks surely lose money, their operating ratios were looking better in...
'Trust your new governor,' Omkar Goswami advises RBI Deputy Governor Viral Acharya....
Central banking is a science, not an art, Tamal Bandyopadhyay tells RBI Governor...
'We are all in a tizzy about NBFCs in the aftermath of the IL&FS default.''We tend...
'No matter how many government schemes there are for the poor, the system works more...
Is it time to take a relook at our economic theories? asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
'Nothing in this world is permanent. So also in business.''And more so in family...
The challenge for politicians is that the continuous electoral cycle favours...
Neither the foreign exchange, nor the gold, and certainly not the revaluation reserve...
'Through the year, we heard many talk about the increasing time spent on digital. But...
What sets 2018 apart from previous years is the magnitude of the shocks that hit our...
Urjit Patel, Binny Bansal, Nirav Modi and Rahul Gandhi personify the big trends that...
'The BJP leadership and its agriculture minister must make up their mind on what kind...
The use of RBI capital to strengthen public sector banks will have many positive...
'Course correction today would be good politics and also good economics,' notes T N Ninan.
'For the likes of Zomato or Swiggy or Foodpanda or similar others, the customer has...
'From the time India liberalised in the 1990s, the government has policies are for...
The key to job creation is to increase labour participation - draw more people into the...
Corrosion is a big menace for anything with steel application from rebars in...
If indeed we want the board to manage the RBI, probably the government should take a...
Whatever the claims about the new GDP numbers being technically superior to earlier...
Drawn in by fuzzy promises about unleashing the entrepreneur in each of us and the...
'Has the time come to devise Version 2 of ad hoc T-bills?''In return, the government...
With all the brouhaha over GST, and (often) a limited understanding of the long-term...
'It is likely the government may opt for an IAS officer.''For the government, an IAS...
'India's economic fundamentals are much too strong to be affected by his resignation,'...
The friction with the political class is not only about interest rates and monetary...
Risk sentiment is likely to be favourable if oil prices stay benign, global growth...
'Mallya has offered to pay the original amount.''Let us say he means the principal...
Money permits patronage. Money means power. No wonder details of the crores locked up...
A K Bhattacharya lists three reasons why Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will most likely...
One of the grey areas is whether the anti-profiteering provisions can provide for a...
A breakthrough will come from what we teach and how, says Ajit Balakrishnan.
'It's looking odds-on there won't be a data protection law before this edition of the...
Where Binny slipped up badly was in gauging the level of transparency and governance...
T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan recalls a tussle between the government and RBI when Rajiv...
There is a dearth of talent in the Indian banking industry. A testimony to this is the...
'If the RBI board forces the management's hand on all the key issues, it should be...
'All that Mr Modi needed to do was to call Urjit Patel over for a cup of tea and ask...
The use of Section 7 is fraught with risks to the autonomy of the central bank, the...
Given that India will get a huge part of its oil supplies from Iran through its...
'Unless cash has ceased to be king, the issue is the same in the aviation, telecom and...
If indeed the issues involved between the government and RBI are of immense public...
There is as yet no clarity on how the process of consulting with the RBI Governor,...
China is on the lookout for investment pastures where its money is welcome, safe and...
The choice clearly is between prompt corrective action and slow but sure destruction,...
Or is all of media being re-invented, asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
'Tilting at the Government in English in front of India may make him feel like Joan of...
'Without appropriate supervisory constraints in place, banks are in a position to delay...
A long term solution to reduce India's Current Account Deficit will be to increase...
The board will first need to unpack IL&FS - it has 169 group companies with 24 direct...
India has remained obsessed with cheap capital and infrastructure spending when instead...
'Most importantly, marking a departure from the past, the RBI has made it clear that it...
Traditionally, financial institutions have operated risk functions in silos. However,...
'I wondered how one could impart training to grown men to not lie,' notes Keya Sarkar.
The Delhi metropolitan area has one of the highest concentrations of population in the...
Most of the NBFCs do not take public deposits but that does not mean they cannot create...
If the Puja as a brand can be marketed more effectively outside Bengal, even overseas,...
Did men and women of redoubtable experience and public service, upholders of the...
'The rupee has lost value against all other major Asian currencies, including that of...
'Indian and Iranian sources both confirmed to me that India and Iran are moving ahead...
Total net debt-equity ratio improves for third consecutive year, while investment in...
Given the concerns around trade wars that threaten to jeopardise global capital flows...
'Global investors expect the rupee to be more vulnerable in the downturns in the future...
The biggest let down for India's aviation sector has been the failure of the government...
'Make no mistake, legally Chanda Kochhar was not and still is not obliged to quit.'...
Investors in LIC's insurance and other schemes are receiving a lower rate of return...
Ajit Balakrishnan on the emerging crisis in the tech world.
The Indian economy's election-year syndrome cannot be ignored, says A K Bhattacharya.
The measures to reduce the current account deficit should have focused far more on...
The oil cartel's decision to maintain the production ceiling at its 2016 level, despite...
We should not see a strong rupee as strength but target a fairly priced rupee for...
'As long as the government owns the banks, bankers will follow signals from politicians...
'As he goes down, he will almost certainly drag a few others down with him.''Once the...
'Considering that an Internet company's market value is largely determined by its...
'James Crabtree ignores the emergence of a nexus between business and politics going...
Steep taxes on petrol and diesel add to the cost of economic activity and reduce the...
'Political parties bring out money they have stashed away and start spending it. How...
India's real risk is not that crony populism would fail, but that it would succeed,...
'If India has to emerge as the world's laboratory and a global innovation hub, the...
'There is no one capturing and presenting the larger picture, such as to provoke debate...
Balgopal Athavale was startled that the day after his new business was registered, he...
Like the UPA government, probably the NDA government also feels that hardships caused...
'These provisions may even be seen to be a threat to burgeoning businesses, since they...
'A sustainable growth rate of 8 per cent is evidently some distance away,' says T N Ninan.
Can 3 crore out of the 8.9 crore young male population of the nine states set off on a...
The persistence with Aadhaar, to the exclusion of all other identity systems, is a...
Shamsheer Ustaad refused to become collateral damage when his industry modernised,...
'Election years tend to see high government expenditure on unproductive schemes, though...
'Ask a beat journalist their opinion, and you will always be told that they are more...
About 45 per cent of those who are part of the workforce, or about 207 million, are...
Will the next generation possess an even more internationalist outlook, and lose their...
Signals received from the government in the past one year reflect a state of utter...
The independent institute advising the PM on jobs seems to have missed the point that...
'We are not talking pennies. The milk business is as large as the automobile industry...
Apply the 'insurgent' tests on what Ambani, Ramdev and Agarwal have done of late, and...
The flawed response to the crisis has fed a us-vs-them mentality in which the banker,...
We are much better placed than in 2013 with our overall fundamentals much stronger -...
Telangana's Rythu Bandhu policy is an embryonic UBI, or rather embryonic QUBI (a...
Singapore's single-rate GST structure cannot be India's model. But its practice of...
The new MSP would worsen, rather than rectify, the two most pressing problems of Indian...
The boom in organised retail will set the tone for major economic overhaul.The ripple...
The tragedy is not the inevitable drought or the inevitable flood. It is our inevitable...
'The failures of private businessmen have set back the process of market-oriented...
'The pressure on relative performance and the feeling of being left out among many...
'LIC's proposed investment will come out of what is technically called the...
Why should Reliance Digital position itself as an alternative to Chadhaji's store?It...
'By not letting bankrupt banks fail, we have discouraged ordinary folk from taking...
Indian policy-makers must see the choices before them as economic, not moral, ones,...
Maruti, which is majority owned by Suzuki Motors of Japan, pays massive tax, generates...
'Flush with funds, lending became a cash management exercise.''Road projects, power...
While auditors have come in for a lot of praise for their proactive stand against what...
India remains North Korea's 2nd-largest import source after China, according to several...
'So far, the government has sanctioned more than Rs 300 billion as GST refunds,' Ansh...
A culture of science and innovation must be embedded in society wherein people not only...
India has a unique window of opportunity to effectuate long-lasting structural change...
A road map could be laid out for a gradual reduction in the tax rates from the current...
'"We want to get the learnings from Flipkart and take it to other parts of the world,"...
While the positive surprise has been the high growth in agriculture, the negative...
What this also does is create a new FAWG (Flipkart, Amazon, Walmart and Google) story...
Ajit Balakrishnan on how the Web could return to its original egalitarian goals.
'The top 10 industries encompass 84% of the total new payrolls, indicating that...
While the RBI can nudge things along, ultimately bank owners must recapitalise and...
The lack of an informal communication channel is what should bother the government and...
Dr Mitra called the Pandara Road crowd a 'cheerful collective of young dreamers,'...
'While we may aspire to be a democratic if smaller version of China, we may only manage...
While GST and insolvency laws are among the major achievements of the Modi government,...
Bankers pay a small price for their misdeeds, no matter how large the cost to their...
GST stabilisation, DTC implementation and banking reforms are crucial for sustaining...
'NiMo having skipped, the next best bet is a high-profile banker.' 'Ms Usha happens to...
'In macroeconomic policy, timing is all, and by leaving things too late, Mr Modi may...
'We have often heard the mythical argument that patents block access to life-saving...
'An upswing in corporate performance should last at least three years.''Today there is...
'It is time to allow the rupee to move towards its true value, as it is hurting Indian...
'Clearly, the financial system is a drag on the economy and underlines the need for...
In refusing to accept its failure, the government has sowed the seeds of further...
What's the real reason behind ATMs running dry even in states that are not...
The biggest challenge is not the airline's debt, but downsizing its 16,800 employees,...
India has a long way to go before it develops a culture of professional boards...
'The 24x7 power for all vision is inspiring, because as we've so often seen, where...
For the new millennium generation, slowly and at an accelerating pace, it is attractive...
Surendra Hiranandani -- chairman and managing director, House of Hiranandani --...
'There is merit in appointing people with ability and energy, then leaving them to do...
Taking advantage of the indifference of passengers, the Indian Railways routinely...
Let there be a rule that if the Budget is not passed and funds cannot be drawn from the...
Evolving a common work ethic and culture will be critical so that the merged entity...
'Curiously, Pinarayi's approach, stressing the imperatives of development, is robustly...
'... not even a moral one, let alone a legal one.''Even if it is assumed that Deepak...
'The Modi government needs some big private sector trophies to affirm its...
'Every Finance Commission creates its winners and losers' point out T N Ninan.
Backloading the government's borrowing programme suggests the finance ministry's...
'Political parties can play up different ideological aspects to fit individual...
The failure to reform has meant that there is no buzz about job opportunities, or about...
Is this paradigm shift in brand-consumer power-sharing coming to fruition in India too?
High frequency indicators suggest that a growth recovery is underway, but very...
'Else they will form a growing 'hospital sector' -- and the taxpayer will be asked to...
'A separate 'Investigation Agency (Other Offences)' or IA(OO), can be created under the...
India has an unprecedented opportunity to develop solar industry because like China, it...
'It is important that employees are trained to acquire skills that would be needed in...
'Given that he would have a good understanding of how many jobs the economy can create...
In the atmosphere created by the reaction to the PNB fraud and RBI's resolution...
'In the long run, the boost to farmers' incomes must come from technological...
We might not have been seeking out baubles, says Kishore Singh, but there's nothing...
'We have here the world's largest economy and dominant superpower thrashing about as it...
The Supreme Court-mandated ban on all mining operations in Goa -- the second in less...
Do we not understand that risk and return go hand-in-hand, or do we, in our rush to get...
'A gig economy is more suited for superior economic outcomes.''You try to create an...
Last-mile verification with Aadhaar-Based Biometric Authentication have the worst...
The government must set up a Bank Investment Company to shrink its role in PSBs, if we...
'Paying my taxes, diligently repaying my loans, following the rules, scrupulously doing...
'Is the tech wonder of our times headed for trouble?' asks Ajit Balakrishnan.
Marketers are required to be more Sisyphus than The Vitruvian Man, says Bharat Bambawale.
How sustainable and prudent is the policy of boosting services without commensurate...
'AI will be bigger than the advent of the Internet or the harnessing of...
Governments must encourage micro-irrigation, use of natural manure and pesticides in a...
It would be a good idea to create independent oversight committees for each regulatory...
'If the RBI had done the right things, these mistakes would not have happened in banks,...
If we have to develop this nation, says Railway Minister Piyush Goyal, it can only...
India's economy could also suffer some ill-effects without necessarily triggering...
'The one sector where there is still a sense of crisis is banking, but the government...
'Modi wants to reverse everything Nehru did, but is shy of touching his daughter's most...
Double tax exemption on wages paid to women can encourage companies to hire, retain and...
'The Modi government has been taking credit for improvement in respect of the ease of...
Aavas is turning heads in the country's mortgage financing space because it selected to...
A large number of public sector bank employees, as a matter of routine, do not "take"...
Are we creeping back to controls on corporate decision making? Three moves over the...
'If the 7 million estimate is true, then either our understanding of the past was all...
'The government must find worthwhile private owners for some of the banks, increase the...
Reduce the government stake in public sector banks to 33 per cent, recommends A K...
Decades apart, but the drama linked to the two appears similar, says Nivedita Mookerji.